A catalog associated with a customer is defined as a private catalog, a private catalog can be associated with more than one customer, or any professional in the client team can have its own catalog. The catalog consists of a specific product mix and special prices for the products contained therein that are suitable for the catalog’s owner. Each catalog can have its own homepage to suit its target customers.
A catalog associated with a customer group is also defined as a group catalog, a group catalog can be associated with more than one customer group or even associated with an individual customer, the catalog consists of a specific product mix and special prices for the products included there which are appropriate for the catalog owners. Each catalog can create its own homepage to suit its target customers. A customer group coordinates customers who are defined as group members and have some common denominator, a customer can be a member of more than one group at a time.
There is no limit to the number of catalogs of the various types associated with the customer and he can work with some catalogs by maneuvering between them.
Sometimes due to a business need, there is a situation where you want to publish a general public catalog, as a special offer on a specific topic or project, or for a specific period.
Any catalog can become a public catalog, access to a public catalog does not require identification and all your customers are able to be exposed and work with these public catalogs in addition to the other catalogs associated with them, moreover, anonymous customers can also be exposed to public catalogs and thus increase your target population.
Catalog Delimitation
The content of the items in the catalog restricts the customer to activity with the items included in the catalog, if more than one catalog is associated with the customer, he will be exposed to the total items in all catalogs, but each time to the item in catalog which he is active on, however, you can set certain customers to be exposed to all items of the business with or without price exposure and breach the items limit set for customer by his catalogs.
Customer price
One of the most important features of an item catalog is the ability to classify the product with a special price for that customer, so the same item is offered to different customers at a different price, This option let you increase your range of offerings and with an accurate price according to the nature of the customer.
We support more than one language, your customers can use one of these languages: Spanish, German, Arabic, Russian, Hebrew, English, French. You can build any catalog in more than one language. A customer can choose by himself the proper language for him. Different clients can work simultaneously in different languages at the same time in one catalog.
Home Page
A catalog can have its own home page, by that you will give the customer specific and unique information right in the entrance of the catalog, information, and images that are suitable for him and differentiate him from other customers.
With a personal home page, you can give your customer unique attention, and by some mean your are duplicating your business facing many clients.
On a home page, you can combine information about your products, product group, some tag or supplier, and let direct access to their content and images.
With Catalog editor you can build and maintain catalogs, based on customer’s past shopping, or the content of item groups or based on product association with tags or suppliers, as well you can take a look at other customer’s catalogs and then copy from their contents into the new catalog.
You can update a price by setting his value or a percentage change from an existing price, the system will check for you if there is a deviation from the cost price of the item so that it does not create a loss, you can set if the price is visible to the customer yes or not.
Build Process
When a catalog is in a build process, he is not published yet and the customers can’t see him or use him, only after setting the current status as published or the public. To set a catalog as ready to use, one of your workers will need to be defined as authorized to approve catalogs and have he will have permission for this action.
Building a large business catalog can be a long-time operation, to save you time we allow you to build a new catalog based on an existing catalog because sometimes the differences between catalogs are few, so when you finish copying you can begin the editing process to place the appropriate details for the new catalog from the base catalog.
Adjusting the catalog for a certain period of time is an important ability with the customers, a catalog can adapt for a certain period and afterward for business reasons it is not valid, so you can set the catalog to be active within a specific date or time period, and in the next version you can switch the catalog over the day, so within hours The price will be one, and in the next few hours, the price will change and repeat, this ability allows you to build unique catalogs for special events, such as holidays, and special business days. When the system catalog ends, you will disable its use.
Catalog version
The catalog can be set with a version number, saving previous versions will allow you to see the changes made to the catalog over time, the system manages these versions for you and allows you to reach each version, in addition to knowing who received a specific version. What is the scope of use for a particular version, what is the popularity of the version and more.